Sunday, June 28, 2009

June 10, 2008 - Som Do Ceu (Sound of Heaven)

This evening was Som Do Ceu, and I didn’t want to go. Last time was great, but I wasn’t feeling it because the translation was bad most of the time. However, the kids coming around and asking me to go. Then Josh came around and finally converted me to going. So I jumped on the truck this time, hanging in the back while driving through Maputo.

Let me just say that I LOVED riding in the back of the truck through the city. There’s nothing like watching everyone, the lights, the homes, the culture. The truck is where all the teens go, so it was interesting watch the boys and girls cuddle and flirt. I love how adolescence is the same no matter the culture or the language. I just bundled my jacket against the wind, smiled, and prayed for the Lord to open my heart to receive that evening.

The Lord did not disappoint. The speaker spoke about Gideon and him being a mighty warrior. He exhorted the crowd that no matter who they are, where they come from, or what they’ve done, that God has a purpose for them. This message hit right at home because the enemy had been telling me I wasn’t good enough spiritually and had nothing to add.

He really got me earlier that week when McKade prophesied over me. After he spoke, he prayed over everyone and during my prayer, he asked, “And Lord, please show us why Shena is here and what she is here to learn.” Immediately, I started to think how other people on the team were receiving tongues, learning about spiritual gifts, and receiving healing in all of these amazing ways. Though many of those things I had known about or experienced, I was not sharing in the newness with the rest of the team. My usual fears of rejection and abandonment swept in and I felt I was the abnormality on the team and wondered if I brought the team down spiritually. (This is another way the enemy gets me is to tell me I’m a hindrance to other people, that I bring them down in their walk, and that I’m a burden.)

Anyways, hearing that was a reminder that all those insecurities were a lie. I got on my knees and thanked the Lord for reminding me of his purpose for my life.

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